SuSE Linux 8.2

SuSE Linux Linux 8.2

SuSE Linux 8.2, also known as “SuSE Linux Professional,” was a version of the SuSE Linux distribution released in 2003. It was the first to include the Keramik theme in KDE, updated programs, new improvements fonts, improved integration of GNOME, and ISDN features. SuSE Linux, now commonly spelled as “openSUSE,” is a popular Linux distribution known for its user-friendly approach and powerful configuration tools. Here are some key features and aspects of SuSE Linux 8.2:

Release Date:

SuSE Linux 8.2 was released in April 2003.

Kernel Version:

The Linux kernel version included in SuSE Linux 8.2 was 2.4.20.

Installation and YaST:

SuSE Linux was known for its graphical installer, YaST (Yet Another Setup Tool). YaST provided a user-friendly interface for installing and configuring the operating system.
The installer guided users through various configuration steps, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users.

Desktop Environments:

SuSE Linux 8.2 featured popular desktop environments of that time, including KDE (K Desktop Environment) and GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment).

Software Management:

YaST also served as a package management tool, allowing users to install, update, and remove software packages.
SuSE’s package management system used RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) packages.

Applications and Software:

SuSE Linux 8.2 included a variety of software applications for both desktop and server use.
It came with productivity tools, web browsers, email clients, multimedia software, and development tools.

Security Features:

SuSE Linux 8.2 included security features to help users secure their systems. This included firewall configuration tools and security updates.

Support and Documentation:

SuSE Linux Professional releases typically came with extensive documentation, including manuals and online resources to assist users in using and configuring the operating system.

Commercial and Community Versions:

SuSE Linux Professional was the commercial version of the distribution, offering additional support and proprietary software.
The open-source community version, known as openSUSE, continued to be developed alongside the commercial releases.

Legacy Status:

SuSE Linux 8.2 reached its EOL on July, 2005. SuSE Linux 8.2 is still good choice for inexpensive older desktop computers and laptops. It was preceded by SuSE Linux 8.1.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2023, SuSE Linux 8.2 is considered a legacy release, and its use is not recommended for production systems due to the lack of security updates and outdated software.
Please note that the information provided is based on historical data up to January 2023, and there may have been developments or changes since then. If you are interested in using a SuSE-based distribution, it’s recommended to explore the latest version of openSUSE, which continues the development legacy of SuSE Linux.


SUSE Linux is of German based, basically an acronym of “Software und System-Entwicklung”, and was complitelly developed in Europe.

Some new feautures and updates included with SuSE Linux 8.2 were: KDE 3.1, GNOME 2.2, Linux Kernel 2.4, and OpenOffice 1.0.2

Linux Distro: SuSE Linux 8.2
Kernel: 2.4.20
Type: Stable
Date: 2003-04-07
Feature: Best Linux Distros for Beginners


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