Mandrake 5.1 (ISO)
Linux-Mandrake is an updated Linux-RH 5.1 GPL, with KDE 1.0 fully integrated and preconfigured in it. Those two parts have been (not so much) modified and improved to work properly together.
In Linux-Mandrake, you’ll find all the RH 5.1 good softs provided with the RH 5.1 : Emacs 20.2 the famous text editor, Apache 1.2.6 the famous web-server, Netscape 4.05 the famous web browser etc. We also have been kind enough to put _Gimp 1.0_, the Photoshop- clone in Linux-Mandrake 5.1 🙂
I sincerely believe that Linux-Mandrake is one of the most powerful Linux-distribution, and certainly the easiest to use.
Linux Distro: Mandrake 5.1 (Venice)
Type: Stable
Date: July 1998
Kernel: 2.0.34
Feature: First release.